PictureWest Java

West Java is a one of the province of Republic Indonesia. The Capital of this province are Bandung City.
The progress of the historical showed a Province of West Java  is first formed the region of  Indonesia (stsstblad Number: 378). West Java province was formed on the basis of UU (basic laws) No.11 year 1950, about  the establishment of the province. West Java is a province with the largest population in Indonesia.
A section of northwestern province of west java is directly adjacent to a special area of the capital jakarta the capital city of indonesia . In 2000, the province of West Java is extracted by the establishment of Banten Province, which is in the western part.
Currently there is a discourse to change the name of West Java became the province of Pasundan, having regard to the historical aspect of the region. But it is getting a reaction from the West Java region such as  Cirebon, where community leaders from States that if the name of West Java is replaced with the name of Pasundan as trying rolled out by bapak (Mr.) Soeria Kartalegawa in 1947 at Bandung and then  cirebon will soon be separated themselves from west java. Because of the name ' pasundan' means tanah sunda ( Sundanese Land) is considered not represent diversity the west java since ancient had inhabited also by the betawi and tribe cirebon and have supported with existence regional regulation West java ( perda ) no. 5 / 2003 which admits the existence of three tribes native in west java betawi that is its language. The dialect of malay betawi the tribe of sundanese who speak the sundanese and tribes cirebon who speak the language cirebon ( with diversity dialect ).

West Java province is geographically situated between 5-7 50 ' 50 ' LS and 104 48 '-104 48 BT. area West of West Java province in 2008 was 34.816,96 Km2, made up of 16 counties and 9 towns. The administrative boundaries of West Java is as follows:

Most of the territory district in west java bordering on the sea, so that the region of west java having long enough, the line of coast namely 755,83 km.
West Java has a tropical climate, the lowest temperature was recorded at 9o C top of Mount Pangrango and highest recorded temperature was 34oC in coastal areas of the North. A small part of the North and East of West Java has a precipitation of middle categories. The average number of rainy days in December 2012 is 25 days with an average temperature of 24, the highest temperature of 1OC, while 32.2 ° C and a minimum temperature of 15 ° c. relational average Humidity 85% and the old Sun shines an average of 39%.
The geologic processes that occurred millions of years ago cause of West Java% u2013 with 3.7 million acres-is divided into about 60% mountainous area with an altitude between 500% u 20133.079 meters above sea level and 40% plateau that has a high variation between 0% u2013500 metres above sea level.
The mountainous region is generally occupy the Central and southern parts of West Java. In the middle section can be found the active volcanoes such as Mt. Salak (2.211 m), Gede-Pangrango (3.019 m), Ciremai (3.078 m) and Tangkuban Perahu (2.076) combined with a row of mountains which has been inactive as Mount Halimun (1.744 m), Mt. Ciparabakti (1.525 m) and Mt. Cakrabuana (1.721 m). Similarly in the South,The mountains were seen as a mountain fire common galunggung ( 2.168 moderati ) papandayan ( 2.622 moderati ) and thunder ( 2.249 moderati ); with a row of the ridges of mountains of southern has not been active as java. Circumstances contrarily found in west java which is the northern plains area with moderate to inferior dominated by alluvial plains. The mainland west java can be grouped into some character as follows :
  • Mountainous regions steep in the southern part of with a height & gt; 1.500 m dpl
  • Sloping hillside areas in the center with a height 100-1.500 m dpl.
  • A low-lying region of widespread in the northern parts of with a height of 0-10 m dpl

Geologically the land in West Java are part of an arc of Islands volcanoes (active and inactive) that stretches from the northern tip of Sumatra Island to the northern tip of Sulawesi island.

The Height of West Java Map
The Geology West Java Region
According to balai water management dept. west java province there are 40 river in west java which means there are 40 river flow area ( DAS/ Daerah Aliran Air ) as shown on next picture. Das-das is grouped into several groups watershed. A group having the widest is citarum watershed followed by clusters of the watershed cisadane-cimandiri.
River Flow Area
The aspect of climate is showing west java region almost always wet with precipitation ranges between 1,000 -- 6.000 mm, with exceptions for the coastal regions of being changed into dry season. On the southern and middle the intensity of rainfall was higher than with the northern areas.
While to the riverbank ( das ), the northern part of the state of being an estuary for some, such a big citarum river cimanuk, ciliwung and cisadane. While in the south there are fewer a big river that flows into the direction of the indian ocean, namely citanduy and cimandiri. Different circumstances is also found in ocean waters that limit. The northern regions bordering the Java Sea with shallow waters while South adjacent to the Indian Ocean which has deep water.
The population of West Java in 2012 is 45.826.775 inhabitants. West Java including population growth is high compared to other provinces in Indonesia. In 2000-2013 2010 has experienced average growth of + 1.89%/year. A fairly high growth rate occurred in the Kab. Bogor (district)  and Kab. Tasikmalaya. Actually, population growth in the area around Bandung City (formerly included in the area of Bandung Regency) included in high category , but because of the solution of the region of bandung regency be bandung regency and west bandung regency then numerically the rate of population growth in bandung regency being small.
The University has quite a lot of  West Java, many peoples from out of our country collage here, here's a list universities :
University in West Java Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Syekh Nurjati, Cirebon- Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri (IPDN), Sumedang- Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Bogor.- Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Bandung.- Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Bandung (POLTEKKES),Bandung- Politeknik Manufaktur Bandung (POLMAN), d/h Politeknik Mekanik Swis-ITB Bandung, Bandung.- Politeknik Negeri Bandung (POLBAN), d/h Politeknik ITB Bandung,Bandung.- Politeknik Negeri Sukabumi (Polsu), Sukabumi- Sekolah Tinggi Kesejahteraan Sosial (STKS Bandung), Bandung.- Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung (STPB), d/h National Hotel Institute NHI), Bandung.- Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia Bandung (STSI Bandung), d/h ASTI Bandung, Bandung.- Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Tekstil (STTT), d/h Institut Teknologi Tekstil (ITT), Bandung.- Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat (STTD), Bekasi- Universitas Indonesia (UI), Kota Depok.- Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati (UIN Bandung), Bandung- Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad), dengan lokasi kampus di,Bandung dan Sumedang.- Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), d/h IKIP Bandung, Bandung.- Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Cirebon- Institut Teknologi Nasional (Itenas), di Bandung- Institut Agama Islam Cipasung (IAIC), di Tasikmalaya- Institut Teknologi Telkom (IT Telkom), di Bandung- Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa (ITHB), di Bandung- Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (Unpar),di Bandung- Universitas Langlangbuana (UNLA), di Bandung- Universitas Kristen Maranatha ,di Bandung- Universitas Islam Bandung (Unisba),di Bandung- Universitas Pasundan (Unpas), di Bandung- Universitas Widyatama (UTAMA), di Bandung- Universitas Garut (UNIGA), di Garut- Universitas Islam Nusantara (UNINUS), di Bandung- Universitas Siliwangi (unsil), di Tasikmalaya- Universitas Galuh (unigal), di Ciamis- Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor (UIKA), di Bogor- Universitas Pakuan (Unpak), di Bogor- Universitas Komputer Indonesia (Unikom), di Bandung- Universitas Winaya Mukti (Unwim), di Jatinangor Sumedang- Institut Koperasi Indonesia (Ikopin), di Jatinangor Sumedang- Universitas Sebelas April (Unsap), di Sumedang- Universitas Informatika dan Bisnis Indonesia (UNIBI), di Bandung- Universitas Majalengka (UNMA), di Majalengka- Universitas Kuningan (UNIKU) , di Kuningan- Sekolah Tinggi Kesehatan Kuningan (STIKKU) , di Kuningan- Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI Al-IHYA) , di Kuningan- Universitas Bale Bandung (UNIBBA) , di Bandung- Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam Al-Ishlah (STEI Al-ISHLAH) , di Cirebon- Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI Al-AMIN) , di Sukabumi- Universitas Wiralodra (UNWIR) , di Indramayu- Universitas Subang (UNSUB), di Subang- Universitas Gunadarma (UG), di Depok- Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi (UMMI), di Sukabumi- Universitas Sukabumi (UNSU), di Sukabumi- Universitas Singaperbangsa (UNSIKA) di Karawang- Universitas Purwakarta (UNPUR) di Purwakarta- Universitas Sutan Mahesa (UNSUMA), di Sukabumi Utara- STIE DR.KHEZ Muttaqien (STIE Muttaqien) di Purwakarta- Universitas Islam "45" (UNISMA), di Bekasi- Politeknik Pos Indonesia (POLPOSINDO), di Bandung- Universitas Muhammadiyah Bandung (UNIMBA), di Bandung- Universitas Surya Kencana (UNSUR), di Cianjur- Institut Studi Islam Fahmina (ISIF), Cirebon-

-> Java Island
-> Jakarta City         ->  Ancol 
                                     ->Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII)

-> West Java             -> Bogor City

Bali Island            ->
